Bonfire Night: Top Five Pyrotechnics In Gaming

With all this firepower to play with, Stacey Henley lights it up for Mr. Fawkes

Stacey Henley
5th November 2019
Image: IGDB
Bonfire night is almost upon us, and that means one thing: explosions! Well, that and bonfires... But mainly explosions!

Sainsbury’s might not be selling fireworks this year, but the games industry has you covered. With an honourable mention to Anthem for literally turning your console into a pyrotechnic display, here are the five best pyrotechnics in gaming.

5. Saints Row: The Third - Mollusk Launcher

Whether you want to feed your foes to sharks, dubstep them to death or just hit them in the face with a massive sex toy, Saint's Row provides you the opportunity.

The gun fires out explosive octopuses, whose guts then splatter all over your enemy.

When it comes to pyrotechnics though, there’s only one weapon you need: the Genki Mollusk Launcher. The gun fires out explosive octopuses, whose guts then splatter all over your enemy.

It’s a sight to behold and probably doesn’t smell the nicest. Stick to virtual use only for this bonfire night.

4. Borderlands 2 - Hive

Weapons in Borderlands come in various elemental categories, one of which is Explosive, so you really aren't going to be short of a good light show on Pandora. Hive, however, isn't actually an Explosive weapon, instead featuring in the acidic Corrosive category. you really play Borderlands for traditional weapons? Over-the-top wackiness has always been its style

You'll find more traditional explosives throughout the Borderlands games, but do you really play Borderlands for traditional weapons? Over-the-top wackiness has always been its style.

Hive fits this exactly, shooting a rocket that then shoots exploding acidic bees, following up with the rocket itself exploding in a noxious ball of corrosive chemicals. These don't all include exploding animals... promise.

3. Burnout 3 - Crashbreaker

Moving away not only from animals but from weapons altogether, Burnout 3’s Crashbreaker is next on the list.

Crashbreaker exploded your car into a huge fireball, letting you double down on the carnage.

In Crash events, you launched your car into busy traffic and scored points for the damage you caused. Once the car was airborne, you could guide the car with the thumbstick, then when it came to a total stop, Crashbreaker exploded your car into a huge fireball, letting you double down on the carnage.

2. Just Cause - Just... Everything

It’s hard to pin down a single thing in the Just Cause series as an example of their best pyrotechnic. This Saint’s Row meets Far Cry sandbox probably still hasn’t lived up to its full potential, but it packs more explosions per pound than any other game going.

If you’re looking for a game that really ‘booms’, you’ve found it.

You can blow up cars, jets, buildings, and you can even pull a Donald Trump and drop bombs in tornadoes. Considering Trump struggles with umbrellas though, we probably won’t see him strap on a wingsuit any time soon.

If you’re looking for a game that really ‘booms’, you’ve found it.

1. Wii Party - Lucky Launch

Though less popular than Wii Sports or Mario Party, Wii Party was still a solid party game. One of the many mini games featured was Lucky Launch, an entirely luck based game which saw you pick one of four fireworks to launch.

Image: Youtube (arronmunroe)

Whichever firework soared the highest, won.

It sounds like basic Wii game fodder, but the winning player would see the sky lit up with a firework in the shape of their own Mii’s face. How many fireworks displays can offer that?

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AUTHOR: Stacey Henley
Stacey Henley can most often be found roaming through vivid expansive spaces and discovering the world around her, but only in video games. In real life, she mostly stays home. Blog at Tweet at @FiveTacey. Published in TechRadar & WhatCulture

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