Joaquin Phoenix set to star in new A24 Production

An independent film company, an Oscar winner and an auteur walk into a bar...

Arnojya Shree
9th March 2021
Image: IMDb
Everyone is familiar with Ari Aster’s masterstroke in Hereditary (2018) and Midsommar (2019). Every time A24 touches a script, it turns into the most eccentric 2-hour film you could watch. Frankly, there is quite nothing like an Ari Aster and A24 collaboration when it comes to the horror genre because the portrayal is more conceptual than grotesque.

Or perhaps, it’s the frightening reality of the concept which makes it so monstrous. You know? Cult-y things that make you question this reality because their easy functionality and camouflage in real life makes them a hundred times more horrendous.

Disappointment Blvd. would be the first film Phoenix shoots post his Oscar-win

On the other hand, Joaquin Phoenix continues to reach new milestones when it comes to delivering a stunning performance, which leaves the audience gasping in awe. His latest film, Joker (dir. Todd Philips, 2019), has added a whole new dimension to the legendary character. 

Phoenix signed to play the lead in Ari Aster’s next film called Disappointment Blvd., produced and financed by A24. The plot of the film has mostly been kept under the wraps as the production dates remain unannounced. However, to clue you in, it has popularly been stated as “an intimate, decades-spanning portrait of one of the most successful entrepreneurs of all time.” 

2018's Hereditary
Image: YouTube

Phoenix is known to take his time signing and committing to the scripts, and given his performance to date, it is easy to understand why. Disappointment Blvd. would be the first film Phoenix shoots post his Oscar-win. It would be fascinating to see how the megalomaniac rendering of Joker is transformed or further elevated in the upcoming movie by Phoenix.

Director Ari Aster has previously described this as a “nightmare comedy”, which makes it pretty easy to imagine Phoenix’s role in it. Moreover, his thrilling acting style combined with the grotesque and surreal horror of Aster’s direction is set to make this film highly anticipated by the fans. 

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