Manage Your Speculations: Stranger Things

Stranger Things was undoubtedly the TV hit of last summer, harking back to 1980s horror and escapist cinema, whilst also attracting a whole new generation regardless of its numerous homages to films like E.T. and Alien. Naturally, after such an intense fanfare from the first season, the announcement of a second season was feverishly celebrated, […]

20th February 2017

Stranger Things was undoubtedly the TV hit of last summer, harking back to 1980s horror and escapist cinema, whilst also attracting a whole new generation regardless of its numerous homages to films like E.T. and Alien. Naturally, after such an intense fanfare from the first season, the announcement of a second season was feverishly celebrated, and speculation ensued. Let’s have a look at a few of the facts and rumours:

Firstly, Eleven is alive! Despite seeming to have met her doom with the monster from the Upside Down, it is unsurprising that one of the one showrunners Matt Duffer has confirmed Eleven will return for season 2, and much of the season will cover her backstory prior to the first season. This news will have no doubt pleased fans, even if it was somewhat expected. It’ll be exciting to see how that pans out.

“The tragedy of Barb during season one meant she became a surprising fan favourite”

Secondly, did Will open a portal for the monsters from the Upside Down to come through? In the final moment of the season one finale, Will did retch up in a public toilet a remnant of the Upside Down, and as the only character to have had prolonged exposure to the Upside Down, could he have been infected? The teaser trailer aired during the Super Bowl showed Will watching over a red-inflamed sky with an Upside Down monster cast within it, however, a trailer did also show Will in hospital and the Duffer brothers have confirmed the season will deal with Will’s psychological hang-ups from his season one ordeal, so could this just be evidence of that?

And of course, what about Barb? The tragedy of Barb during season one meant she became a surprising fan favourite, who, despite staying true to herself, not submitting to peer pressure and being a caring friend to Nancy, was cruelly shunned and forgotten about by practically everyone in the show! There is a fan theory of her returning from the Upside Down as a monster to exact revenge on everyone who mistreated her. Whilst this has left fans pining for #JusticeforBarb, it doesn’t seem very Barb-like to be vengeful, so I doubt it, but it would be cool. Nothing has been said of Barb by the Duffer brothers regarding season two, at least not to the same extent they made a point of making in reassuring viewers that Eleven will be back, and so maybe it is safe to assume season one will be the last we see of Barb...

“Much of the speculation has been influenced by that very short teaser trailer aired during the Super Bowl

Ultimately, season 2 does not air until 31st October, and what a Halloween treat that will be, but it’s also a long long time away. Much of the speculation has been influenced by that very short teaser trailer aired during the Super Bowl that only hinted at possible events to take place, or we could have completely misinterpreted these references- who knows! But the excitement around what is next in store for Will, Dustin, Mike, Lucas and probably Eleven is definitely palpable. Let’s hope it lives up to the standards we relished from season 1.

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