Oh for the love of brownies

Madeleine Raine talks about her love for baking brownies during this lockdown period

Madeleine Raine
24th June 2020
Image: iMattSmart (Unsplash)

Since being in lockdown, I have experimented with so many different recipes in an attempt to widen my food choices (pasta day in, day out, was not cutting it). Over the past few weeks, I have released my inner Mary Berry, baking every hour of every day. I’ve tried banana bread, cinnamon rolls, cakes, and icing, but my all-time favourite which I just cannot seem to stop baking is brownies (vegan style).

This is such a quick and easy recipe to follow. All you need is:

  • 170g self-raising flour
  • 180g caster sugar
  • 5 tbsp vegetable or sunflower oil
  • 3 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 200g chocolate
  • 230ml milk
  1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and line a tray with greaseproof paper.
  2. Mix the self-raising flour with the sugar, then stir in the cocoa powder.
  3. Then add the milk and oil, mixing to form a smooth paste.
  4. Melt the chocolate (I usually do this in the microwave because it’s quicker, easier and less mess), then stir this into the mixture.
  5. Finally, pour the batter into your tray and place into the oven for 20 minutes (I usually keep an eye on them from around 15 minutes upwards to judge how gooey I want them to be).

And there you have it. Super quick, super easy, minimal mess vegan brownies! If you want to spice them up, there is the option to add peanut butter, chocolate chips, or even syrup to the batter. This is the perfect recipe to try out at home, or if you are baking for family and friends.

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AUTHOR: Madeleine Raine
MA History student with a BA in English Literature and History. Lifestyle writer and avid traveller who has recently branched out to also cover news articles. Twitter @RaineMadeleine

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