Con anima

Our weekly 'Words on the Toon' piece by Olivia Wilson

2nd November 2015

‘You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.’ - To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee

All eyes on him,

it’s time for his great performance;

expectations are high.

He knows what he’s doing.

His music reads con anima

but his eyes -

they do not match his posture

- poised,

- assertive

- proud.

His eyes oozing innocence,

like a child disillusioned by the world,

overwhelmed by the possibilities

of loss. Con anima.

He’s done this before, a musician of his time,

too much to offer.

As his fervor smorzandos

- fades,

so does his music,

so does his soul,

then silence.

Con anima.

He lost all purpose,

- all meaning.

He started questioning,


and it all went wrong.

Con anima.

The curtains have closed.

The performance is done.

What’s next lost boy?

You held the stage,

- the centre piece.

I turned to you.

We all did.

Con anima.

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