Rodham to be adapted into a TV series

Harriet Metcalfe discusses the announcement of a Rodham adaptation

Harriet Metcalfe
25th July 2020
Credit: IMDb
It's pretty hard not to imagine some alternative version of the world right now. So in some very well timed publication dates, Curtis Sittenfeld went and did just that. Only she's not thinking about an alternative version of the present - she's thinking about the past. What would've happened if Hilary Rodham never married Bill Clinton?

Whilst I personally haven't read Rodham yet (it is near the top of an exceptionally long to-be-read list), I love this premise so, so much. Would she still have a strong political career? Would she still have run for president? Would she have won that run? And what about those emails...? Sittenfeld's concept opens the door for so many alternative histories to be explored.

Credit: dearkatie_ on Instagram

Whilst there's no news on casting yet, the executive producer of The Handmaid's Tale, Warren Littlefield, has bagged another EP credit

The show itself is being produced at Hulu, by the co-creator of The Affair, Sarah Treem. According to the description on the Wrap, the book and series will be "A modern parable about choices, feminism and why this country has such a complicated relationship to women in power… Rodham tells the story of an ambitious young woman, developing her extraordinary mind in the latter part of the 20th century, moving from idealism to cynicism and all the way back again."

Whilst there's no news on casting yet, the executive producer of The Handmaid's Tale, Warren Littlefield, has bagged another EP credit for Rodham, and Teem will write and executive produce as well.

Me and my feminist brain can't wait for Rodham, they just better release it in the UK at the same time as the US. Pretty please, Hulu. With sprinkles on top.

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AUTHOR: Harriet Metcalfe
English Literature BA student. Loves film, TV, books and coffee. Thinks "Thor: The Dark World" gets too much hate. Twitter: @hattiemetcalfe

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