Time to clock back into The Office?

Sophie Hicks discusses her reservations over a possible reboot of The Office

Sophie Hicks
8th December 2018
Flickr (Eva Rinaldi Celebrity and Live Music Photographer)

SNL made a sketch revolving around Steve Carrell’s never-ending questions about a The US Office reboot. It involved a few beloved actors from The Office demanding a reboot due to money incentives, with Carrell refusing to do so.

Although it was a funny sketch, it does raise the important question of if an Office reboot is needed, and if it would be any good. Personally, I have very mixed feelings on an Office reboot. If original writers were involved and the original cast were back, and if it had a compelling enough storyline, then I think it would be great. However, if people’s hearts weren’t really in it and it was purely to make money, then I think it would ruin the memories of the great show, and would fall flat in its humour.

If Steve Carrell isn’t on board with a reboot, it’s best to not have one

Personally, I would probably prefer if they didn’t reboot it because it would have such high expectations which would almost be impossible to satisfy. The finale to me was the perfect episode, although I was sad the show was over, I was extremely satisfied with the ending, considering it to be the best-case scenario for a finale. However, that doesn’t mean that I don’t quote and think about the show on a daily basis, and really miss the characters. If a reboot was to happen, as well as scepticism, I would be overjoyed with the prospect of ever seeing a new episode. However, my fear is that it would be not as good (perhaps season 8-9 quality) and potentially ruining the sacred memories I have of the show. Although I miss the characters, I am satisfied knowing it ended well, if not overdue after Steve Carell’s departure from the show.

Despite the contrasting opinions on the matter, many fans across the globe still demand a reboot. Whilst I think one could happen in time, I don’t see one happening any time soon, as the SNL sketch perfectly summed up the danger of a reboot. Actors who commit to a reboot of a beloved show get paid extortionately, and this wealth could influence the intentions of a reboot, rather than an actual necessity to do one. If Steve Carrell isn’t on board with a reboot, it’s best to not have one because I think all fans can agree the quality of The Office significantly decreased once his beloved character Michael Scott left the show.

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AUTHOR: Sophie Hicks
Former TV Sub-Editor for The Courier and BA Media Communication and Cultural Studies graduate

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