Valve unveils new Half-Life

James Troughton wakes up and smells the announcement of the decade for PC gamers.

James Troughton
21st November 2019
Image: YouTube (Valve News Network) and Twitter (valvesoftware)
After a decade of waiting, crowbar fanatics can now rejoice as Valve has announced a spinoff VR title dubbed 'Half-Life: Alyx.' This title has been discussed amongst the inner circles of diehard Half-Life forms since 2016, when the letters 'HLVR' began to appear in leaks, with many presuming it to mean 'Half-Life VR.'

One of the pioneers in finding out information about 'HLVR' was Tyler McVicker of Valve News Network, who constantly gave updates that indicated a healthy development cycle which was entirely new for Valve when it came to Half-Life.

The leaks and rumours were given further credence by strings of sounds and textures that were intrinsically Half-Life related - there was no mistaking that Valve had yet another one in the works.

For context, they never stopped developing the series. They didn't decide after Episode 2 to put the franchise in the cupboard and neglect it.

According to leaks, rumours and even interviews with Valve, Half-Life 3 found itself in development numerous times but never came to fruition, staying in limbo.

Then, Marc Laidlaw, the lead writer, stepped down. Whilst an upsetting piece of news, he did reveal what happened following the cliffhanger, to tie fans over in the likely scenario of Valve never getting out of their rut.

Valve have now broken this vicious cycle and we have a VR title on its way with new information coming this Thursday.

However, they have now broken the cycle and we have a VR title on its way with new information coming this Thursday. Other credible leaks seem to indicate that this will title will be a prequel set during the 7-hour-war. Perhaps we will witness the founding of the rebellion and the seeds sown prior to Gordon's arrival in City 17.

We don't have to wait long, however, as Valve is going to fill us in on the juicy details soon.

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