The next decade has to be one of significant and rapid change within the sectors of aviation, energy, and food production in order to prevent critical and irreversible damage to our planet. Our leaders in this past decade have failed us, it is now time for the younger generation to speak up about our future, and the fact we want to have one.
it is now time for the younger generation to speak up about our future, and the fact we want to have one
With the likes of Greta Thunberg, we have seen the power that young people have; the Extinction Rebellion groups and the climate strikes being globally spear-headed by our generation. We are capable of changing the planet for the better, and it is my sincere hope that in the decade of the 20s the young people of the world will finally get heard and become the force for change that I know we can be.
If we fail in this, then it is likely that either the governments failed to act, or that they did so far too late. If so, as the ice caps melt and sea levels rise, unleashing unknown catastrophes onto our global population, our generation may become one of the last on this dying world.
It is for that reason alone that I hope and pray that our voices will finally be heard, and our planet can not only begin to heal, but that it will also be treated with the respect and consideration that it deserves.