President Jeb Bartlet- The West Wing
Pros: The quick witted and charming President Bartlet would win every debate handily, and listening to his speeches would be a massive relief after four years of Donald Trump’s ramblings. Also, it’s genuinely comforting to see a president, albeit a fake one, who genuinely cares about doing the right thing by the people he serves.
Cons: Throughout his first term in office, Bartlet went to great lengths to hide the fact that he had been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. He also tended to support slow, incremental change, so I can hardly see him abolishing ICE or sponsoring the Green New Deal.
Verdict: Jeb Bartlet is basically what the Democrats so badly want Joe Biden to be, a proper statesman. He wouldn’t be my first choice, but he’d have my vote in this election.
President Lisa Simpson- The Simpsons
Pros: The Simpsons famously predicted both Donald Trump’s presidency and that Lisa would be elected after him, tasked with cleaning up the messes he left. She certainly seems smart and capable enough to be up for this challenge. Plus, she’s a fellow vegetarian, so you know she’d have great ecological policy.
Cons: In her first days in office, Lisa struggled to get her message across without upsetting voters, and needed Bart’s help to avoid a diplomatic disaster.
Verdict: Although she may not be a perfect leader, Lisa Simpson knows what needs to be done and isn’t afraid to do it, and she’s got my vote.
President Leslie Knope- Parks and Recreation
Pros: She’s Leslie f-ing Knope. As Leslie moves up the ranks from a lowly city employee all the way to the federal government, she never loses her enthusiasm, care, and attention to even the smallest of details. President Knope would turn up on her first day armed with an unbelievable number of color coded binders, ready to whip congress into shape.
Cons: Literally nothing.
Verdict: Knope 2020
President Francis Underwood- House of Cards
Pros: Frank Underwood is certainly motivated, and will stop at nothing to achieve his goals.
Cons: Unfortunately, his methods include bribery, blackmail, and murdering both people and dogs. President Underwood is truly a horrible person to the core (and he’s played by Kevin Spacey).
Verdict: It’s important to remember that fictional characters can be terrible too; and although it may often seem that America has hit rock bottom, there is still some way to go.