On first impression Beach House’s Thank Your Lucky Stars seems like Depression Cherry’s afterthought. Recorded at the same time as their August hit album, Stars is an unexpected release to fans, so soon after Depression Cherry.
Depression Cherry felt like a natural progression stylistically from Bloom- embodying that hallmark synth-laden moody pop sound we know so well, yet in Stars, they sound crisper, toned down.
It totally captivates. She sits at the head of the table and she tells us her story
Victoria Legrand’s vocal power doesn’t seem to just be a “pleasant addition” to tracks like ‘Myth’, where her voice seems to only add another element as that of an extra guitar, for example. It totally captivates. She sits at the head of the table and she tells us her story.
In ‘Elegy to the Void’ there is hymn-like wisdom and beauty, and it’s Legrad’s exceptional lyrics and haunting tone which helms the ballad, with help from off-key electric guitar stabs juxtaposed with lumbering organ. A chill is created and it’s not the sort of Cali surf-pop “dude, that’s so chill’- no, it’s one of those bone trembling chills.
The band stated that they were driven by the lyrics and the narrative, rather than a creating an overall “vibe” they seem to focus more on lyrics and form. It’s political and it’s bold and most of all it feels honest.
For me, the opening track on the album on Stars is a total red herring, it leads us to think this album will be Depression Cherry’s prettier and thinner sister, however the album is just the opposite. This album is one of serious thought, of talent and progression. And, to compare Stars directly to Depression Cherry would be foolish, it is a standalone success.
Grace Herring