770 Northumbria students test positive for COVID-19

Joe Molander on the breaking news

Joe Molander
2nd October 2020
770 Northumbria University students have tested positive for coronavirus in what is understood to be one of the biggest single-site outbreaks in the UK. Only 78 are showing symptoms.

A further 94 students have tested positive at Newcastle University.

The Northumbria students who have tested positive are currently self-isolating, as well as their flatmates and close contacts.

Northumbria University attributed the rise in cases to their high volume of testing. It has cautioned that students who don’t obey rules face "disciplinary action".

Northumbria and Newcastle Universities are both providing their self-isolating students with food parcels, with assistance from the council.

More follows.

Featured Image: Wikimedia Commons

AUTHOR: Joe Molander
Head of Current Affairs and co-founder of The Toon Lampoon. Politics, interviews, satire and the Courier's leading authority on frosted tips. @JoeMolander on Twitter and full portfolio available on Muckrack.

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