A guide to seeing your one night stand on campus

How to make the awkwardness slightly more bearable...

Amana Khan
6th November 2023
image credit: pixabay @sipa
The transition from school to uni is not just an academic one. It is also one that involves living independently, making new friends, living in a new city, dating new people, and for many people, sleeping with new people.

Now, many people have experienced a one-night stand. You know the drill! You go to a club, the drinks are flowing, everyone’s dancing to ABBA and the next thing you know you’re in bed with someone. It could be anyone: a stranger, someone from you course, a friend, even a housemate. There is no shame in it, in fact it always makes a great debrief story the next day to all your friends, but what is awkward is seeing them on campus.

There is no sugar coating it, seeing a one-night stand on campus is probably one of the most hell-ish experiences there is. However, after being at uni for a few years now, I have learnt a few ways in dealing with this that reduces the hangxiety.

If you were to see them in two years’ time, it would not bother you at all, so why let it bother you now?

When you think about the one-night stands you have had at uni and how awkward the encounters were then, remember that now you are probably laughing about it and if you were see them again now, there is just a look of acknowledgement, and you move on. Take this principle and apply it now and think 'if you were to see them in two years’ time, it would not bother you at all, so why let it bother you now?'

It’s a two-way street and so whatever you are feeling or thinking, they are probably (hopefully) feeling and thinking the exact same

It’s a two-way street and so whatever you are feeling or thinking, they are probably (hopefully) feeling and thinking the exact same, so there is no reason to stress or be embarrassed. Also, seeing your one-night stand can be funny. Just imagine going back to your friends and having a gossip about who you just saw, and you can take the embarrassment out the situation by doing that.

Now, I am not saying that seeing a one-night stand is ideal but there is only so much a person can do to avoid them, and it is honestly not worth the time or effort to avoid a one-night stand. So, just take my advice and turn it into something you can laugh about.

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