A love letter to female friendships

The gift of female friendships

Marina Snyder
6th March 2023
A few months ago, a trend surfaced on TikTok that focused on highlighting how valuable female friendships are and how much these friendships meant to women. And honestly? I’m 100% here for it. The female friendships I have and have had in my life have been some of the most vulnerable, impactful and special relationships, and is something I think everyone deserves to have at one point in their lives.   

I think the reason these types of friendships work so well is that regardless of what kind of person you are, there are some shared experiences of womanhood. Whether it is the excitement of receiving a text from the person you really like or the pure fear of walking alone at night; these moments and feelings can be shared and creates a kind of solidarity that makes you feel less alone. Whether scared, happy, excited or sad, women have an amazing capability to empathize on a whole other level, and personally, it makes me feel comforted in a world that is often, very isolating.   

Women have an amazing capability to empathize on a whole other level

I know some people who will affront these types of female-based friendships, “it’s too much drama”, they will say. But how could you pass on the idea of friendships that are wholeheartedly vulnerable? Being able to share your hopes, dreams, fears and secrets, and still being loved and cared for. I think any amount of so-called ‘drama’ is worth that.   

Laughing and crying as you experience the ups and downs of life together

The viral sound “Oh how I love being a woman” that rotated around social media is only truly encapsulated through these female friendships; pictures and videos of drinking wine and screaming to breakup songs, helping each other get ready for a night out, laughing and crying as you experience the ups and downs of life together. It’s these minuscule moments that really make you appreciate these friendships. It’s when you all go to the bathroom together on a night out, it’s when your friends hold back your hair as you throw up over the toilet, feeling shit and ugly but they don’t leave your side, it’s staying up till 2 am talking about how misunderstood you feel by the men in your life, it’s laughing until your stomachs hurt, binge-watching Gilmore Girls, ranting about your bad day at work, offering advice and words of wisdom...It’s all these experiences and more that make you truly appreciate the women and, their friendship, in your life.   

So here is a shoutout to all the female friendships, both mine and yours. Feminine friendships: you are truly something special and to be appreciative of.   

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