A scope over new Jesmond flats for young professionals

Development in Jesmond creates new housing opportunities for young professionals.

Amy Jones
12th November 2024
Image Credit: Tom Page, Wikipedia

A multimillion-pound development has been announced for the Newcastle suburb of Jesmond. This is set to increase the supply of properties for young professionals, easing the pressure of the competitive property market.

"New life to this great part of the city"

Jomast Developments has chosen the previous Scottish Life House Estate to be transformed into a living complex. Jesmond Three Sixty is set to be built on this site and is in the process of redevelopment. Following a public consultation on Friday 18th October, the new complex is predicted to contain 58 properties, with either one or two rooms. Also planned is a gym, spaces for leisure, commercial areas, and a car park. A staff member from the company, Adam Hearld, has stated there are hopes that the project will bring, “new life to this great part of the city.”

Another project in the proposal stages is at Moseley Passage, which is a complex combining apartments and mews houses. Alt Studios, an architectural firm in Newcastle Upon Tyne, plans for the new living space to include eight two-story dwellings, along with an existing hotel building that will be reinstated into ten apartments. This adds to the many new and upcoming opportunities for accommodation in Jesmond.

Plans for this accommodation are set to begin in 2025 and be completed within the year.

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