A-Z Sporting Spotlight: American Football

A... is for American Football

Georgia Purcell
18th October 2022
Image credit: Instagram @nu_raiders
American Football is a university team welcoming new members, irregardless of experience. 

We're a close knit and inclusive team, focussing on promoting a sport that's vastly growing in the UK. We're made up mostly of people who have never played before, and consist of students from all sorts of different courses - from Business to Philosophy to Medicine. Last year, we had an undefeated regular season which resulted in a promotion to the premiership - the top division of BUCS.  We also got to the national final and attended Big BUCS Wednesday, a real highlight of the year! 

We train twice a week, with matches held mostly on Sunday afternoons. We have many opportunities to play away, and each game is followed by a social, as well as socials on Wednesdays. To get a taste of what American Football is about, come along to our fundraiser - more details on the Instagram @nu_raiders.

For any questions or queries, email s.graham8@newcastle.ac.uk

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