Addressing the stigma: Being single during the Christmas holidays

Is Christmas the worst time to be single?

Noelia Fernández Pérez
5th December 2024
Image Credit: Pixabay, Jplenio

Christmas is the time of year when all the couples decide to hard launch their relationships and make us, single and lonely people, regret opening social media every time we do it.

After being single for a long time now, seeing couples having their romantic moment under the Christmas lights or holding hands while they’re walking through the market makes me wonder if I’ll ever find my ‘other half’.  Or even when my grandma asks if I’ve got ‘a special friend’, that’s the funniest bit about going home.

When I go back home, I’m always the single person in my friend group, and they’re always making plans of their own, so I usually spend the majority of my time stuck at home reading or gossiping with my mum.

Don’t get me wrong, I love doing that, but it can get really lonely sometimes. Social media doesn’t help with this feeling either. I hate opening TikTok because I know that at least half of the content I’m going to find is happy couples posting their Christmas adventures together.

Once you start getting older, Christmas starts to become more focused on spending time with your partner instead of with your family, and it makes the Christmas spark lose some of its light.

What I love most about being single during the holidays is spending quality time with my family. It’s a time of the year to bond with your loved ones (and to stuff your face with food as well, but we all know that), and it’s one of my favourite holidays.

So, if you’re single, don’t worry about spending time alone with yourself. It is also a time to reconnect with your mental and physical health space because, after some stressful months full of deadlines and exams, we all need that sometimes.

It is also a time to reconnect with your mental and physical health space because, after some stressful months full of deadlines and exams, we all need that sometimes.

Being single during the holidays is not as bad as people make you believe. Cheers to all of the single people out there—we rock!

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