Album Review: FTHC

Calvin Breakwell reviews Frank Turner's brand new album FTHC...

Editorial Team
23rd February 2022
Credit: @frankturner on Twitter

As a huge Frank Turner fan (I even have a tattoo with his lyrics), I was so excited for the new album and its new direction and I wasn’t at all disappointed and I think it’s one of his best yet!

The album starts with an explosion of punk rock energy in a new, yet, familiar direction in Frank’s solo career in what will turn out to be his most raw and emotional album yet. In this fourteen track, forty-two minutes and thirty second long album, he explores being depressed and suffering from anxiety. On top of this, Turner comes to terms with his father’s transition to becoming Miranda and their fractured relationship healing and the process towards feeling great after undergoing Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (previously explored in the song “Little Changes”). Leaving his home in London after getting married and ready to settle down is also discussed by Turner.

One of the stand out lines on the album which follows such a great series of “Break up albums” is the line in ‘Untainted Love’, “The only thing I hadn’t accounted for was love” in reference to his binging and addiction problems which feature a lot on this album. He credits his wife Jess with helping him bring to an end by encouraging him to go to therapy. He deals with growing up without a father figure and being “shipped” off to Eton aged 8 in 'Fatherless'. This has one of the best lines on the album for me, about meeting Jesus, having a whitey, and talking about judgemental fathers.

The latter half of the album includes some of FT’s best work, this includes “Punches” which has a punchy (sic) riff and great lyrics about that one day when everything goes to plan and you feel absolutely awesome. The last few songs are about his leaving London and starting a new quiet life in Essex with his wife. These make it seem like this album is the start of a new chapter in Frank’s career and life.

In summary, I think this is one of Frank’s best albums and signals a new and positive direction in his music and life and I really look forward to the future!

Best song: Punches

Rating: 4.5/5

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