Album Review: 'Mixtape EP' - The Snuts

Hope Lynes takes a look at The Snuts latest effort

Hope Lynes
14th March 2020

The second EP since the intial release The Matador in 2017, The Snuts have released an EP that shows their development of their music style, from their initial demos that sounded raw, these songs show how the instruments and mixing has been enhanced. The EP features 5 songs, alongside 4 small interludes in between each song which enhances the experience of listening to the EP as a whole. The interludes link the songs together, with low-key riffs of the songs mixed with the band talking. It's a very personal experience to release onto an EP.

'Fatboy Slim' is the definition of a football anthem, which will definitely be on Fifa and probably get the recognition that Tom Grennan received from 'Found What I've Been Looking For'. The chorus is upbeat, and has a very funky bass line underlying the heavy guitar riffs.

'Coffee & Cigarettes' gives me Amy Winehouse vibes in the lead singers soulful Scottish voice. This song is very definitive of the band's new direction, with standard indie verses leading it completely funky riffs in the choruses with an energy that is reminiscent of early Courteeners.

'All Your Friends' is my favourite song that the band have ever released. I used to be a fan of The Snuts songs' like 'Glasgow' and 'Sing For Your Supper', and even though I still am, the sound of this bassline is incredible and completely unique which really sets The Snuts apart as it shows how every song is different and I think that's unique for an indie rock band where your sound can be very singular. I'd recommend this song to anyone, the bassline is simply something else.

'Boardwalk' and 'Don't Forget It (Punk)' close the EP and are both previously unreleased songs. The contrast between the slow, soulful melody and the high energy almost Punk tune, shows the vast contrast in the bands discography.

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