Album Review: Sigmund by Cristopher C. Rose

Taking the term 'concept album' to a whole new level, discover this expressive effort from Italian songwriter Cristopher C Rose

Tom Moorcroft
17th August 2020
Cristopher C Rose - Liv Thwaites
The beauty of music is that it often takes one away from their routine. You can stick an album on and be transported to an alternate dimension, in which the author has complete control over the nature of your visit.

Cristopher Rose, or more so his alter-ego, Sigmund, executes this perfectly in his latest release: the self-titled album Sigmund.

Through a subtle blend of harsher alternative-rock, and light soft-rock tones, with a dash of jazz for good measure, he’s able to transport the listener away from their bedrooms to tell a story. This tale of romance and relationships is catalysed by the psychedelic-pop anthem ‘Two People’, as most relationships start, and concludes with his stand-out record ‘We’re not Supermen’. The latter has been said to encapsulate various fears and notions accompanied by the Coronavirus pandemic earlier this year, with it’s repetition of “stay strong” having duality between the end of a relationship and the start of the ‘COVID era’. 

My favourite aspect of the track would be it’s evolution, as it begins as a moody, mellow piano instrumental, transforms into a soft-rock ballad and then climaxes with a funky 70s disco vibe. The song then dies down, as a recording of two men plays as they discuss the intricacies of love. The track is extremely indicative of the multi-genre nature of this album.

Many critics are quick to note Cristopher’s depth and vulnerability within his songwriting. The 22 year old, who moved to London 3 years ago to pursue a career in music, has been writing and producing songs since the age of 14. His experience in the field, coupled with his youth, allows him to discuss vibrant, popular topics in an extreme and vivid manner.

The album art for Sigmund

One song which reflects this, for instance, would be ‘Divorce theme’. The following lyrics are taken from the track…

“Because this is what you did to my brain // A needle that tears a hole so big // And it just leaks, spilling its final phrase”

This vivid imagery, accompanied with a backdrop of light jazz, reflects the nature of divorce, prying open one's thoughts until they come flooding out, almost against their own will.

Cristopher has taken the term ‘concept album’ to a whole new level, sacrificing his security by putting his fears, tears and emotions into a delightfully insightful 10 song album. Available here via Spotify, Sigmund is guaranteed to get your feet tapping, but more importantly, your mind wandering.

All images provided by: Liv Thwaites
AUTHOR: Tom Moorcroft
Head of Sport for The Courier. Current 3rd year English Literature and History student. Love writing about sports/music, playing the guitar and Everton FC!

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