Album Review - 'The Hunna' by The Hunna

One of our writers delves into the world of The Hunna's new album....

Gabbi De Boer
16th November 2022
Two years on from their last release, The Hunna are back with a self-titled album that perfectly showcases their full potential. After struggles with labels and the COVID 19 pandemic, this comeback is sure to be a winner.

Since the release of 100 in 2016, this trio have cemented themselves in being a force to be reckoned with. They’ve continued to grow throughout, playing not only their own headline tours, but supporting bands like You Me At Six and performing at several festivals. Although their earlier, more indie sounds are in the past, their move to rock has been a successful one. The Hunna exhibits this perfectly. 

It begins as it means to continue - emotional and cathartic throughout

The first three songs, ‘Storm’, ‘Trash’ and ‘Fugazi’ bring a punchy intro to the album, with lyrics reflecting the struggles they’ve faced over the last few years thereby encompassing their anger. It begins as it means to continue - emotional and cathartic throughout. The rest of the album navigates a softer side through ‘Find a Way Out’ and ‘Untouched Hearts’, which brings a similar vibe to their older music (especially if you’re a fan of their hits ‘Babe Can I Call?’ and ‘Lover’) and breaks up their heavier tracks nicely. 

One thing you’ll notice too is that the album doesn’t have other featured artists. This was a purposeful choice by the band, as a big part of this release came from wanting to make something more personal. With this album, they were able to regain control over their own music and sound that had been previously lost to record labels taking the reins out of the band’s hands. The Hunna shows off everything the band is about - who they are, what they stand for, and a big old eff you to those who didn’t believe in them.

Much like any other band, a change in sound isn't always going to be popular

Although the new sounds are definitely a win and feature some amazing vocals, something that may feel missing is the catchiness of their past songs. Much like any other band, a change in sound isn’t always going to be popular with a fanbase built on another genre. However, as they complete their sell-out tour, fans have kept up their support, as well as gaining some new ones along the way.

Rating: 4/5

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