Anti-racism protest at Grey's Monument

Anti-Racism Protest Defense Campaign claim that the police have been prohibiting anti-racist events in Newcastle

Georgia Keyworth
27th October 2020
A protest against political policing and police racism was held at Grey’s Monument on 10 October by the Anti-Racism Protest Defence Campaign

The campaign group said they were defending anti-racists who have been harassed and arrested by Northumbria Police. The group is "demanding that all charges against Black Lives Matter and anti racist protesters be dropped".

The organisation say that they have been prevented from protesting and holding anti-racist events on multiple occasions over summer by Northumbria Police through repeated Section 14 and Section 35 notices. 

One event prohibited by police was a march to the West End in June in support of the Black Lives Matter campaign, where the aim was to "question the systematic racism inherent in British policing".

The group are demanding that there are no further restrictions on anti-racist events in Newcastle.

Part of last Saturday’s event was dedicated to highlighting the importance of the right to protest. Street theatre was used to depict culturally and historically significant protests such as the miners strike and the campaign to free Nelson Mandela. 

The Anti-Racism Protest Defence Campaign’s focus is supporting the Black Lives Matter movement, expressing solidarity with protesters in the United States, as well as speaking out against racism in Britain.  

Featured image: Facebook (@ARPdefencecampaign)

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