Are we in an education crisis?

A watchdog has identified student complaints at an all time high

Amana Khan
8th May 2023
A higher education watchdog argued that there was “increasing levels of distress among students who are struggling to cope.” Whilst reporting that complaints were at an all-time high amongst university students, with the Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA) receiving 2,850 complaints in 2022 and led to £1 million in compensation.

Many of these complaints dealt with academic appeals and that issues that students were bringing up were not dealt with satisfactorily, including disruption to their courses, as well as many of these complaints taking far too long to be dealt with.

University students are living in unprecedented times with factors, including the cost-of-living crisis and industrial action, impacting their life. Undoubtedly, this is making their time at university increasingly more difficult and without  adequate support from university structures, it is understandable that complaints are increasing amongst students.

A spokesperson for the Department of Educations stated that: “It is essential that university students receive a word-class education and get the high-quality service they are paying for.” This is an important point, students are paying a minimum of £9,250 for their university tuition fees, they studied extremely hard to get a place at university and continue to study hard to maintain their grades and place. Therefore, it is understandable that they should receive teaching and support that mirrors this, however, as shown by these complaints, it suggests that students are not receiving the education that they truly deserve.

This begs the question: are we in an education crisis?

There is no doubt that the country is headed into a state where its people are unstratified with its institutions and policies. We see this with nurses, doctors, teachers, and many other professions, however this is evidently spreading to society’s university students.

Students need support especially during the country's current state

There are grievances and frustration amongst university students that they are being left-behind and treated unfairly, whether that be because of government policies, the economy, or society’s institutions, including universities. This is translating itself onto universities as students need support, especially country’s current economic and political state, however it seems that they are not receiving this.

The continued lack of acknowledgement of student’s grievances and opinions has caused these complaints to increase and reach and record level, and with the way that universities are proceeding in their inadequate responses to these is only going to allow students’ frustrations to rise.

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