Around the world in 50 tunes: No.1 California - Around The World - Red Hot Chilli Peppers

Tom Moorcroft kicks off our latest series

Tom Moorcroft
16th November 2020
Wikimedia Commons: 2eight and pixabay
Why does a song have to be about one place? Why not all over the world? I appreciate this is a tiny bit of a cop-out, as opposed to being a song from somewhere around the world this song is, quite literally, based all around the world, but I think it’s fantastic. If anything, it uses music as a vessel to spread spiritualism, passion and desire across the globe.

This effort from my personal favourite Californian 4-piece is nothing short of the raw, funky sound which we’ve come to know and love. That chunky daring bass line which is coupled with a rhythmically delightful guitar is enough to get me jumping up and down like a Flea, with Anthony’s trademark sound telling a story of lust and travel.

He mentions 10 different places in total, ranging from “Mother Russia, do not suffer”, “You and me, girl, sitting in the Swiss mountains” and, of course, highlighting their home state of California

It’s an authentic and rural track which, like a lot of work from the Red Hot Chili Peppers, I think needs to be heard. Whilst it’s narrative may be rather black and white, there’s so many tonal diversities in their sound. You have the funky introduction, the ethereal and relaxing chorus and that punk-ish, rock based outro. Just as the song travels around the world, their music travels from sound to sound. Simply put, if I was to travel around the world, I think this'd be my soundtrack.

AUTHOR: Tom Moorcroft
Head of Sport for The Courier. Current 3rd year English Literature and History student. Love writing about sports/music, playing the guitar and Everton FC!

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