Astrological Antonia

In a new feature Antonia Coleman-Harvey uses her mystic powers to guide you through your week

17th October 2016

Aquarius Jan 20- Feb 18

Aquarius, this is the week to get stuff done. Do those things that you’ve been putting off, call your parents, change your sheets, you know your future self will thank you!

Pisces Feb 19- March 20

Beautiful pisces, your poise and grace will be a useful asset this week. people around you may be losing their heads, but keep yours and you’ll come out on top .

Aries March 21- April 19

Don’t let ill-mannered work colleagues ruin your day, and definitely don’t let them affect your personal life. Instead, enjoy some girl time with you best pals; take a bath, paint your nails and chug back a glass of rose. It is probable, however, that you will have to say no to an offer.

Taurus April 20- May 20

The girl that catches every passer by’s eye. It’s okay to look sloppy every now and then, the world won’t judge you. You may be feeling perturbed by a friends’ capricious behaviour, but all you need to do is show them that you’re there for them.

Gemini May 21- June 20

Listen to your ruling planet Mercury, who is telling you that Wednesday will be a good day for you. Spring-like colours like yellow and lilac will bring you much joy, and remind you of your

Cancer June 21- July 22

You’re sensitive and caring, Moonchild, so do not let those around you take you for granted. Your best day is Monday and watch out for the colours silver and blue. This is a good period of time for you as Neptune is in another water sign.

Leo July 23- Aug 22

Anticipate surges of creativity, fiery Leo. You will be feeling instinctive on Sunday so follow your heart. Until 2017, Uranus is moving through other Fire signs; you can unleash your adventurous side by travelling to distant lands and experiences wonderful new cultures.

Virgo Aug 23- Sep 22

Virgo… Im sorry. This week is going to be bad, but not for reasons you expect. Yep, no good news today… sorry mate.

Libra Sep 23- Oct 22

You’re strong you’re fierce, and to hell with anyone that doesn’t accept that! This week focus on living for you, you’re strong, independent and you don’t need no man!

Scorpio Oct 23- Nov 21

All eyes will be on you on Wednesday, so try to look your best! Scorpios are naturally fiesty, so I’m sure you’ll make the best of it, go dazzle in the spotlight!

Sagittarius Nov 22- Dec 21

Something from your past will come back to bite you so be wary… just try to keep a smile on your face, it’s going to be a difficult week. Sagittarius, I wish you luck, just keep swimming.

Capricorn Dec 22- Jan 19

Dreams can come true, Capricorns I’m looking at you! Keep your fingers crossed on Friday, that thing you’ve been praying for will finally happen, hallelujah! Just don’t let it go to your head…

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