The Gateshead Quayside is set to house a modern conference & exhibition centre, sandwiched between the Baltic and the Sage, and due to open in 2023. Jade Aruzhan Sagynay considers the proposed designs...
Jade Aruzhan Sagynay fills us in on the holiday deals countries are offering travellers in order to recover the tourism industry post COVID-19....
Jade Aruzhan Sagynay outlines why lockdown doesn't have to cause a breakdown...
Jade Aruzhan Sagynay discusses why she thinks Sarah J. Maas's fantasy novel Crescent City deserves a film adaptation...
Jade Aruzhan Sagynay gives us her secrets to cooking delicious curry....
Jade Aruzhan Sagynay delves into the origins of a classic favourite...
Jade Aruzham Sagynay exhibits her poetic talents and takes over the poembox for this week. ...
Jade Aruzhan Sagynay tells us all about New Year and Christmas celebrations in Kazakhstan....
Jade Aruzhan Sagynay describes the unmissable food, shopping and attractions of the new market...
Molly, Jade, and Katherine tell you about their favourite non-boozy nights out to have on the Toon!...
Have you ever met someone who you connected with on a deeper level? It’s insanely satisfying to realise you have many interests in common, conversations flow like rivers and you generally enjoy each...
Jade Aruzhan Sagynay makes an exotic recommendation for the dish of the week- Beshparmak. ...
Aruzhan Sagynay tells us her 101 on bubble tea...
Carrying on the soft simple tunes from the first album, Greg Gonzales continues to sing in his breathy sensual voice about love, heartbreak and lust. On Friday 25th October Cigarettes After Sex releas...
Jade Aruzhan Sagynay reviews the most recent animated take on the iconic family....
Jade Aruzhan Sagynay talks about Disney up and comer Dove Cameron and her venture into music...
The night is squeezing air out of my lungs. A nightmare demon like a snake released his fangs. I’m suffocating and I really don’t know why, I close my eyes and feel as if I’m about to die. Too m...
In this century saturated with dystopian novels, how often do we find a particularly successful piece of science-fiction work? Believe me when I say that modern novelists often leave me unsatisfied wi...
Franki Raffles and Hannah Perry Exhibition Review
To create or not to create: A guide on creativity through university
The art of taking good holiday photos
Local Arts Events to Do in Newcastle
Banksy's Art of Resistance
A Re-FRESHER of books to read