Directed by Alberto Corredor, Baghead follows Iris (Freya Allan) who inherits a pub from her distant father. But, as is often the case in horror, all is not as it seems. In the basement of this 400-year-old pub lives the hostile Baghead: a being that can morph into the dead. This of course attracts those who want to see their beloved, but of course there is only a safe two-minute window before the evil entity takes over and tries to escape its underground confinement.
Whilst the plot is fairly promising, there was never a development that gave this film any substance. I found myself wholly unbothered about what happened to Iris as the dark corridors and other-worldly screams fused together to create a chilling atmosphere. At times, it felt as though the director merely had a checklist that he was working through in order to achieve the mighty 'Horror' genre.
There was certainly more of a focus on the tension and scare factor within the film instead of the actual plot. Unfortunately, this decision rendered the scary parts pointless. In horror, obscurity is often your friend, yet this film showcased a great deal that interfered with this illusion.
Baghead takes the Horror genre and turns it into a caricature that is laughable. 2/5