Perhaps it is the ability to gain control in what we produce, or manifest our anxieties into a physical form, or maybe because it is a treasured memory from your childhood, it is undeniable that baking is a comforting hobby, pastime or interest. It’s National Baking Week, and now is the time to celebrate the benefits of baking on mental health.
For many people, baking allows them to focus on the recipe, letting all other stressors drift away. It is arguably both an individual as well as social activity, wherein you can play your favourite songs in a kitchen by yourself, without fear of judgement, or with your friends and family to purely enjoy their company and what you produce. In the end, it is both the process of baking that is thoroughly calming, a type of concentration where something positive comes out of your efforts.
There is something nice about being nice; the praise of those who received your baked goods boosts self confidence and releases endorphins
As a social activity, others will either enjoy what you’ve baked, or at least the smell through the open window. There is something nice about being nice; the praise of those who received your baked goods boosts self confidence and releases endorphins knowing that you’ve made someone all that little bit happier by giving them something you have made.
When life gets hard, take a breather and bake. Ground your thoughts. Smell the bread. And know that hard times will pass alongside the cake you have just made.
Featured Image Credit: @Sontung57