The independent review was commissioned to find the causes and faults in the Met’s culture, investigation and disciplinary procedures on misconduct. It found that overwhelmingly the Met was failing to meet these standards.
In her letter to the newly sworn in commissioner, Sir Mark Rowley, Casey outlined eight key issues within the Met’s misconduct system. Most notably, the lack of action with a 55-60% of all cases receiving a 'no case to answer' decision. This in turn had created attitudes among officers and staff that misconduct would go unpunished and that reporting actions of misconduct were hopeless.
This in turn had created attitudes among officers and staff that misconduct would go unpunished
Another major point raised was incredibly high racial disparity. Black officers and staff were found 81% more likely than white officers to have a misconduct case brought against them. Similar statistics were found for Asian officers and staff, being 55% more likely to have allegations brought against them. High rates of disparity for dismissals were also found with Black and Asian officers being up to 126% more likely than white officers to be dismissed. Casey described this as a “long standing issue” and “clear evidence for systemic bias”.
The letter concluded urging for “radical and wholesale change” to the current system.
In a statement, Sir Mark acknowledged the findings of the report, promising to “radically overhaul” the Met. He promised to improve the culture and the systems creating the issues raised. Similarly, Sadiq Kahn welcomed the findings of the report expecting “every single recommendation” to be implemented. He stated that he wants to continue to hold the Met to account and restore Londoners faith in policing.