Biking around the toon

Newcastle Universities cycling enthusiasts came together last week on the 12th of October to explore the city surroundings and enjoy the magnificent Quayside views while cycling, as part of the NUSU organised bike ride. Although the bad weather may have deterred some of the less committed cyclists, a group of determined riders mounted their bikes, […]

17th October 2016

Newcastle Universities cycling enthusiasts came together last week on the 12th of October to explore the city surroundings and enjoy the magnificent Quayside views while cycling, as part of the NUSU organised bike ride. Although the bad weather may have deterred some of the less committed cyclists, a group of determined riders mounted their bikes, generously provided by Recyke Y’Bike, to admire the Tyne river.

The event began at 1pm and continued for about two hours. There were participants from many different countries, including Vietnam, China and Singapore. The participants shared that they have always been fans of cycling, as not only is it a green mode of transportation, it also keeps you fit and gives a sense of freedom to your soul.

Recyke Y’Bike is a Community Social Enterprise which receives old bikes and after repairing them, they are resold, or sent to families in various African countries in order to help improve the standard of living by providing a means of transport.

Their target is to send 500 bikes to projects across the African continent every year. So if you are willing to donate your worn-out bike or you would like to volunteer by repairing some, feel free to join in!


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