Brand of the week - Adam Jones

Dominic Lee brings back brand of the week with a small sustainable designer combining pubs and streetwear

Dominic Lee
14th October 2020
@adamjones_mens_womens on Instagram
My brand of the week of the moment is all about championing two things that are very close to my heart- sustainability and the pub.

Welsh designer, Adam Jones takes inspiration from local pubs- the ones you might find your dad or your grandad drinking in- and makes clothes that fit the aesthetic. In his collections, you'll find sweater vests, bags and scarves made out of bar towels from beloved beers such as Newcastle Brown Ale, Tetley's and Marston's. My personal favourites are of course the Brown Ale items- it's one of my favourite beers after all- and I have my eye on the scarf should it ever come back in stock.

Jones' aesthetic is fun, colourful and delightfully vintage and using bar towels to make clothes out of is not only eco-friendly but unique. The new collection for Spring/Summer 2021 also upcycles items such as tea towels and ribbon that are then made into more sweater vests- which seem to be a mainstay in Jones' collections- along with shorts and dresses. My favourite pieces from the new collection would have to be the leopard print towelling trousers and the distressed Union Jack jumper- with a matching hat designed by Benny Andallo.

Much of Jones' collection- if not all- is unisex which is another positive for potential customers, as a move towards gender neutral fashion is far more inclusive for people interested in wearing Adam Jones.

Adam Jones is still very much an up-and-comer though, having set up a GoFundMe page which allows his brand to stay afloat. Jones is pretty much a one-man team too, with his designs being made by hand and materials sourced by himself. The designer also owns 50M, a store in the Belgravia area of London which stocks other promising designers alongside himself, and other more established names such as Liam Hodges.

Jones also does commission work, so if you've got any old bar towels lying around the house, or a big pile of ribbons then he'd probably love if you sent them his way. So if you want to add a more personal and unique touch to your wardrobe then Adam Jones might just be the brand and the designer for you.

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