Campus chic: the best university outfits

Chloe Buchan shares her observations on university fashion and how campus is the best place to express your style.

Chloe Buchan
7th March 2020
When you walk into the Newcastle University campus, you may at first be taken aback by the self- expression that is displayed in the students clothing; there is an array of colours, styles and unusual combinations.

This could be due to the anonymity and acceptance that comes with living in a new city. In a place where nobody knows your name, I certainly found it liberating to be able to dress exactly how I pleased, without fear of judgement.

After attending uni for a few months, I have come to the realisation that there is something of a standard university uniform, that many people adopt without even realising. Maybe it is the comfort and convenience of this clothing style, or perhaps an inadvertent way of conforming to the 'university student identity. The clothing style generally consists of baggy clothing - whether it be trousers, hoodies or coats- everything is better oversized.

" Mom jeans seem to be a firm favourite."

Onto jeans- gone are the skinny jeans of sixth form, and in their place a whole selection of styles. Mom jeans seem to be a firm favourite, with boyfriend and wide-leg jeans also being prominent on campus. These styles are much more comfortable than their tighter counterpart, particularly during lectures when you have precisely half a centimeter between you and your neighbour- if this claustrophobia wasn't enough, the added pressure of denim squeezing your legs could surely tip you over the edge. Not only this, but baggy jeans have the added bonus of feeling as soft and comfortable as pyjamas- surely conducive to a long and productive study session. If you draw the line at jeans completely, another popular option is the humble flared trouser. These ridiculously comfortable and they also accentuate body shapes to create a flattering silhouette, as well as looking lovely when paired with a large sweatshirt.

"The coat has to be at least two sizes too big "

Next on the list are North face puffer coats: without a doubt a staple in the fashion of Newcastle University, for boys and girls alike. The slightly more reserved opt for black, with the bolder of us exhibiting coats in orange, green and purple. But whatever the colour chosen; an unspoken rule seems to be that the coat has to be at least two sizes too big and draped around the body like a very expensive blanket.

Instagram: @asos

Along with warm coats comes the essential of layering. I'm sure everyone has experienced the angst of a face- paced chilly march to uni, only to be met with tropical temperatures as soon as you step foot inside any building, thus resulting in a sweaty and uncomfortable lecture, in which you greatly struggle to reduce your body temperature. The only way to combat this seems to be to tackle the Baltic temperatures with layers- hat, scarf, multiple sweatshirts- that can be subsequently removed when you get inside. This is not only practical but fashionable, with woolly scarves being an essential aspect to the baggy clothing look.

The final stage to university fashion seems to be self-expression in terms of temporary appearance modifications- coloured hair, eyebrow slits and an abundance of chunky jewellery add glamour and individuality to this standardised look. All in all, despite the similar aspects to everyone's outfits, the individuality and flare of each student means that no two people look the same.

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