Christmas pyjamas – rate them or hate them

A holiday staple, but what do we really think of Christmas pyjamas?

Imogen Mole
13th December 2022
Instagram @mychristmaspyjamas
Frankly, I’m surprised this is even a question. Call me crazy but there’s no feeling like throwing on a new pair of tartan pyjama bottoms and a matching top. Snowmen? Little robins? Reindeers? Baby mince pies? Sign me up. Not being a massive pyjama fan myself (my pyjamas every other night of the year usually consist of a Shawn Mendes t-shirt I’ve had since I was 14 and a pair of joggers that only reach a quarter way down my leg).

There’s definitely something about wearing the same pyjamas as a house that brings you closer

Christmas is the one time a year where I feel like I can go all out on the pyjamas. Especially in student houses where it feels like a Christmas elf dies every time the heating is allowed to come on, it’s vital we get some sort of warmth. There is also such a nice feeling to get matching pyjamas, my five housemates and I purchased some navy pyjamas last year with little snowmen and reindeers and you could still find us wearing them in the depths of summer just due to the pure nostalgia they give us – there’s definitely something about wearing the same pyjamas as a house that brings you closer, and If you never have I would recommend immediately finding some, banging The Holiday on and grabbing a hot chocolate with Baileys in... I promise it will cure your exam stress even just for a minute.

Instagram @mychristmaspyjamas

Christmas is the one time a year where I feel like I can go all out on the pyjamas

I love the idea that even though we are all in 20’s it’s perfectly acceptable to be wearing a matching ensemble with pictures of polar bears wearing Christmas scarves, when other time in the year do you get given the excuse to do that? This year I have my eye on the M & S Percy Pig pyjamas with the little Christmas hats on (Mum, that’s a hint x).

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