Up-and-coming Kelvin Jones was the latest artist to grace the stage of NUSU with Coffee House Sessions. One year since signing to Sony Music Entertainment (remarkably only 4 years after picking up a guitar), Kelvin has recorded his debut album ‘Stop the Moment’ which will be released in 2016 in the UK. In the meantime […]

17th November 2015

Up-and-coming Kelvin Jones was the latest artist to grace the stage of NUSU with Coffee House Sessions. One year since signing to Sony Music Entertainment (remarkably only 4 years after picking up a guitar), Kelvin has recorded his debut album ‘Stop the Moment’ which will be released in 2016 in the UK. In the meantime he is keeping himself busy touring across UK and the rest of Europe.

Kelvin captured listeners with a versatile sound with influences ranging from blues legends like BB King, to modern day pop legends like Bruno Mars and Ed Sheerin. As well as writing his own songs, Kelvin managed to put his own sound in covers of well-known songs - revealing a gravely, tuneful voice and some catchy tunes! He showed his proficiency on electric guitar later on the performance utilising the loop pedal to deliver a breath taking guitar solo reminiscent of the dextrous, sauntering sound of Jimmie Hendrix – leaving audience members visibly in awe.

I managed to catch Kelvin after the gig and we had a long chat about music and his career.

How’s the uni tour going so far?

Really good fun in a weird way, just before this I was doing a tour in Germany with a full band and we did a weeks’ worth of tours to massive venues (largest 1000). Strange to come back to smaller audience but it’s nice to see their faces!

What was the best moment of the German tour?

On my first night of the first German tour, my first headline tour, we were expecting about 30 people in a venue capped to 150. So it was amazing to look out and see a full crowd all around my age coming to see me. 95% girls too!

Your single call you home has reached 2 million views on Youtube, how did that make you feel?

It was crazy, I had the goal of reaching 100 downloads of sound cloud and when I did I was ecstatic. But then 3 days later I went from having no fans to having over a million views on Youtube.

What are your influences, what made you pick up a guitar for the first time?

Well I first started playing guitar 5 years ago after my brother bought one and never bothered playing it. BB King was a huge inspiration because he didn’t want to show off how fast he could play, he played in a way that said “This is how I feel, what do you think?” and that grabbed me.

What is your writing process?

I’m not great with lyrics, I’m the furthest thing from Bob Dylan. I take a lot of influence from Noel Gallagher, for him, melody is the most important. I think it’s good to capture somebody with a melody and let the lyrics fit around that.

If you could work with anyone living or dead, who would it be?

I would say John Mayer because he’s my biggest influence but we’re too similar, it would be weird! I’d say Years and Years because I like that Michael Jackson sounding style and I’d love to explore that more.

If you were stranded on Mars and were only allowed to take 3 albums with you what would they be and why?

Where The Light Is by John Mayer because when I heard ‘Slow Dancing in a Burning Room’ that became the holy grail of what I wanted to achieve musically. Then probably Ben Howard’s I forget Where We Were and finally Jimi Hendrix‘s Axis Bold As Love.

Leo Williams 


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