Connan Mockasin and Dev Hynes: Myths 001

Grace Herring reviews the latest collaboration between Connan Mockasin and Dev Hynes

18th November 2015

Connan Mockasin and Blood Orange’s Devonté "Dev" Hynes teamed up in Marfa, Texas last March and recorded a three track EP. The collaboration is titled Myths 001 and is an amalgamation of Mockasin’s much revered low-fi balladic style and Hynes’ heavily funk laden riffs.

‘La Fat Fur’ is the first track. Hynes’ sexy bass line and Mockasin’s velvety lyrics instantly captivate. His gentle voice is not drowned out by this stereotypically un- Connan paced song. It’s an intriguingly fast paced indie “chugger” laced intricately with audible details from both musicians: Hynes’ cleverly placed synth patterns and Mockasin’s hypnotising lyrics, “We go on and on, on and on: you’ve got me goin’ strong.”

It’s a funked-out Hendrix-esque tune, a slow and a sultry 2am bedroom jam

‘Feelin’ Lovely’ takes on a whole new persona. It’s a funked-out Hendrix-esque tune, a slow and a sultry 2am bedroom jam with juicy guitar riffs which, although delicious are simply too gratuitous.

However the final track on the EP steals the show, it’s a cosmic collision of monumental proportions. WhileLa Fat Fur’ is a nod to 80’s synth pop and ‘Feelin’ Lovely’ a bow to dear Hendrix, ‘Big Distant Crush' is a Mockasinic ballad, with playful additions by Hynes, it embodies everything that the previous two songs tried too hard to do. It sounded original, but in the distance I caught a whisper of the gentle waves from Connan’s ‘Forever Dolphin Love’ lapping on Dev’s ‘Champagne Coast’.

If you were to say that Myths 001 seemed rushed, you wouldn’t be wrong, as it was recorded one week prior to Martha Myths festival. Nonetheless this EP definitely highlights just how undoubtedly wonderful both musicians are, this is most apparent in ‘Big Distant Crush’, but is slightly lost on the other two tracks. It’s a thrilling experiment trapped by the confines of nostalgia.

Grace Herring


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