'Christmas couple compromises are often a fact of life'
But there are always options for making sure you can experience some of the festive season as a couple, after all, the Christmas period is longer than people often consider. In our case, my girlfriend is coming not for Christmas so much as before Christmas for a few days, which lines up nicely with our respective plans and fills both our weeks with new, fun dates. Now we have the reign of pre-Christmas London for almost a week: all the time in the world for Christmas activities like seeing the lights and markets, followed up by the warm cuddles and hot chocolate that are perfect to share with your significant other in the cold winter.
Now, bringing your partner home to your family after what tends to be a relatively short amount of time can be risky, and it won’t be an option for some - we can’t choose our families after all - but there are still ways to make the most out of Christmas in Newcastle as a couple before heading home. From ice skating to the Christmas markets to an all nighter of Christmas classics at the Tyneside cinema, you can cram as many of these dates in as you want even before the semester finishes. Equally some of these run well into January, so if your plans forbid doing pre Christmas festivities, keep the spirit alive afterwards.
'There are still ways to make the most out of Christmas in Newcastle as a couple'
It’s not like you can’t spend time together when you’re away either. In our golden age there’s a million ways to stay in contact and fill the void that’s created. Netflix watch parties mean couples can enjoy cheesy Christmas flicks from any distance. Even regularly texting and sharing your days can be really important, and was a big part of my relationship’s beginnings after going on a first date just a few days before heading home for a month. You can even fill in more personal habits. I sometimes read to my girlfriend to help her sleep so I will look to record her some sections or video call and read so she can have a little bit of our relationship at home. With a little ingenuity, Christmas separation doesn’t have to mean Christmas misery.
We all have different commitments around this time of year, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get to share it with all the people you love, family or not.