Dance showcase wows a sell-out audience

The show featured more than 30 dances for over 2 hours.

3rd May 2016

On 22 and 23 April, the biggest event of the Dance Society’s year took place in the form of their annual showcase, Fancy Footwork.

Over 200 dancers took part in three shows over the course of the weekend at Northern Stage.

The sell-out show featured all levels from beginner to advanced and included seven types of dance including street, ballet, contemporary, jazz, musical theatre, tap, and lyrical.

Many of the pieces featured had previously won awards at the multiple inter-university competitions the society regularly attend.

Many of the performers had family and friends attend the show in support as they demonstrated what they had been working on all year.

The dancers train multiple times a week and were excited to showcase their hard work.

Tilly Olney, an audience member said: “I was really surprised by how good the standard of performance was and how much I enjoyed it. The street dance and soloists were the highlight and I really loved some of the song choices, it made the night so much more enjoyable. I’d definitely go again.”

The amount of time and energy put into the show was evident, not just in the quality of the dances but in the smooth running of everything from the lights to the quick costume changes as many dancers performed in multiple pieces, sometimes back-to-back.

All of the dances were choreographed by students as the society has no help from professionals, and the whole show was put together by the show coordinator (and student) Yvonne Chui.

This was particularly impressive as the show featured over 30 dances, running for over two hours.

The audience was enthusiastic from start to finish, and by the end were standing in their seats applauding the performances.

The show was a great way to end the year for the dance society after the stress of competing.

It was an exciting way to demonstrate their skills and have fun with the team they’ve been training, travelling, and celebrating their success with.

Raff Marioni, a member of advanced street dance, said, “We started rehearsing straight after Christmas, so had been building up to the performance for months.

“For a lot of people, the dance show was the culmination of all their work this year so was a huge event for them.

“We rehearsed weekly until Easter then started all day rehearsals, we even spent the nicest day of the year so far in the cramped dressing room rehearsing.

“Saturday night was the finale and we really wanted to pull it off – not only for the audience but for each other.”

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