The trailer opens as Wade celebrates his birthday, now accompanied by a freakish toupee. Everyone is here, from X-Men members Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead, to taxi driver Dodinper, to his recently resurrected girlfriend Vanessa. This brief moment of peace is cut short by a knock at the door, where Deadpool is confronted by members of the Time Variance Authority: an organisation fans of the Loki series will immediately recognise. After Wade’s time-hopping hijinks of the last film’s finale, it’s clear why these guardians of time would have taken an interest in him.
After a brief interaction with seemingly new TVA manager, played by Matthew McFayden, we are shown what our hero’s future in film may look like: an entry into the MCU. The film’s focus on the TVA seems to suggest they will address Wade’s use of time travel to bring back his wife, an element of the second film I felt to be a disservice to the character growth Wade went through in coming to terms with her death. And considering we see Deadpool fighting members of the TVA later in the trailer, it’s safe to assume him messing with the timeline will be a major plot-point of the film.
The movie looks to match the style and tone of its predecessors perfectly, especially in the action department, with the fights looking as ridiculous and gruesome as ever. Just within this snippet we see Deadpool catch pistol mags into their frames in mid-air, crash through the rear of a car and break his arm before immediately snapping it back into place, and pull off a series acrobatic attacks on his enemies. The same can be said for the humour, with Ryan Reynolds delivering some great-one liners throughout the trailer and even hilariously dubbing himself “Marvel Jesus” at one point, met by a look of pure perplexion from Matthew McFayden.
The most exciting element of the trailer though – the return of Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine – is the one we are left most in the dark on. We see the back of his head for two brief moments: first at the table of a casino, and again in the last shot of the trailer, as Deadpool asks him to “gimme a hand” and is greeted by that iconic “snikt” as we receive our first shot of the iconic yellow and blue suit. It hopefully won’t be long before we get to see more of their dynamic, as well as a greater understanding of just what this story will be all about when it releases on July 25th.