Dissertation diaries: it's the final countdown

The dreaded dissertation deadline is looming, so it's time to reflect.

Sam Norman
4th April 2024
Image Source: Unsplash_Towfiqu Barbhuiya

I feel I have a blessed journey with my dissertation but that’s not to say there still hasn’t been challenges. 

To all the English Literature students out there, you know the trials and tribulations of choosing a topic. We are given so much choice, it’s sometimes overwhelming and hard to narrow it down. I think we’re blessed with the Independent Research Project (IRP) in semester two of second year, or at least I was. Fortunately, it actually did its job for me, and I was able to springboard from it to a dissertation idea.

I enjoy the study of queer theory, especially relevant to the 20th century, and wanted to take it further

In my IRP I studied Baldwinian literature and the relationship between sexuality and race. I enjoy the study of queer theory, especially relevant to the 20th century, and wanted to take it further. So after a few chats with my supervisor, I landed on my two texts, the British novel The Line of Beauty (2004) and the American play Angels in America (1991). Being able to actually enjoy the research lightens the blow of a ten-thousand-word essay. Granted, I think I work better with longer projects, and my focus on my dissertation definitely led to me neglecting my other modules in the first semester. 

But alas, as we approach Easter break, I feel like I am in a good position, but how does it bloody end?

My style is to always leave introductions and conclusions til the end, as I told my supervisor not long ago “how the hell do I introduce a project this big that I have been working on for so long?” 

My dissertation is undoubtedly the piece of academia I have enjoyed the most at university

I also think a part of me is not ready to submit it. My dissertation is undoubtedly the piece of academia I have enjoyed the most at university, and when I submit, it will also be my final English Literature project, so I’m sad to let it go. Then I also have to turn my attention to other modules I have neglected. I’m sure I will long for the days of arguing why Margaret Thatcher was presented like a drag queen and Reagan was a camp President.

I'm sure we're all in different headspaces, for better or for worse. There's still time for us all, so no fear!

Approaching the end is a weird experience, and I’m sure we’re all in different headspaces, for better or for worse. There’s still time for us all, so no fear! However, I think the one thing we can all co-sign is there will be a weird void once it is submitted – whether you’re celebrating the freedom or missing the researching excitement. 

Until then, catch me in the Phillip Robbo reading Susan Sontag and trying to understand conservative politics. 

AUTHOR: Sam Norman
Head of Current Affairs 23/24. Campus Comment Sub-editor 22/23. BA English Language and Literature Student.

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