Doctor Who: Christmas Special

Doctor Who airs on BBC One, Christmas Day, 5:15pm

14th December 2015

With the latest series only just over, viewers won’t have long to wait for the next instalment of Doctor Who on Christmas Day.

For the first time Peter Capaldi’s Twelfth Doctor will meet Alex Kingston’s River Song in the one-off episode titled: ‘The Husbands of River Song’.

In a fun twist, River does not recognise the Doctor’s new face, which for once places her on the back foot in the couple’s relationship.

The episode will also star actors and comedians Matt Lucas (River’s associate Nardole), and Greg Davies as King Hydroflax, who seems to alternate between being a nine-foot tall red cyborg and a talking head the Doctor carries around in a bag.

Unlikely to feature is Jenna Coleman as Clara Oswald after (ahem, spoiler alert) the character met her end in the last series although with head-writer Steven Moffat’s past record anything is possible. Also don’t expect to be introduced to the new companion until the start of the next series, as Moffat explained his wish for fans to have a mourning period for Clara rather than immediately replacing her.

The episode starts with a grumpy Doctor attempting to avoid all things Christmas only to find himself accidently enrolled into River’s gang as a surgeon/medic as they prepare to undertake a dramatic heist. But after the darkness of the previous series this episode seems set to return to the comedic light-heartedness that the show has missed for some time. So prepare to join the Doctor on another ridiculous rip-roaring adventure across time and space.

Doctor Who airs on BBC One, Christmas Day, 5:15pm

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