Doctor Who: top seven potential companions

Following the departure of Jenna Coleman's Clara from the Doctor's side, Tom Shrimplin rounds up his top picks for replacement companions.

30th November 2015

While we knew Jenna Coleman was leaving at the end of series 9 she instead had an abrupt departure in Face the Raven near a fortnight ago, where a brave Clara tried to Doctor her way out of the situation by saving Rigsy failed leading her to surrender to her death. This leaves us with an angry Doctor for the final two episodes, until he meets River Song (Alex Kingston) once again in the Christmas special. But what next? Who should the next companion (or perhaps even companions) be?

While we knew Jenna Coleman was leaving at the end of series 9 she instead had an abrupt departure in Face the Raven near a fortnight ago, where a brave Clara tried to Doctor her way out of the situation by saving Rigsy failed leading her to surrender to her death. This leaves us with an angry Doctor for the final two episodes, until he meets River Song (Alex Kingston) once again in the Christmas special. But what next, who should the next companion (or perhaps even companions) be?  1)Tatiana Maslany: if you haven’t watched Orphan Black, you are missing out, especially on the powerhouse performance of a critically acclaimed, Canadian actress – or, rather, performances as she plays a number of distinct yet nuanced clones. With an enormous acting range, not only could she outperform the superb Coleman but perhaps even have the prowess to better that of the majestic Peter Capaldi. She can definitely do an English accent too. This would only be a dream casting of course, as she will be starring in season 4 of Orphan Black airing in 2016 and has a growing career in film. 2)	Faye Marsay- a favourite for next companion who has already previously featured in Doctor Who with a fantastic performance in the 2014 Christmas special “Last Christmas”. A down-to-earth, lonely shop girl would be a superb contrast to the self-assured Clara. Alas, show-runner Moffatt has ruled out the next companion being a returning character. Still, It’s important not to forget, that, like the Doctor, Moffatt lies. 3)	Rose Leslie- an actress who has starred in both Game of Thrones as the wildling Ygritte, but has also been in Downtown Abbey and Utopia amongst other shows. An actress who most definitely delivers a performance that equals Capaldi’s. I can see it now- a feisty, headstrong tribal girl on an alien planet who locks horns with Twelve, much in the vein of Leela. She would be a great casting and is one of the favourites for the new role. However, maybe we need someone a bit more left field. 4)	Gemma Chan- Following an amazing performance as the synth Anita/Mia which required great skill in switching from an unemotional robot to mother-type figure. She even got a nomination at NTA’s for Drama Performance. She has also previously featured in Doctor Who as the coincidentally named Mia Bennett in 2009 special “Waters of Mars”. Again, there’s the same problem with actors returning to the show in a different role, Gemma Chan could be one under the radar. 5)	Lenora Critchlow- considering half of the production staff of Being Human are involved in production of Doctor Who, why not some of the cast? Critchlow portrayed possibly my favourite character in the whole series, the lovable, compassionate and neurotic ghost Annie. It probably won’t happen, but I wouldn’t complain if she was the next companion. 6)	Harry Melling- known as the dastardly Dudley Dursley in the Harry Potter movies, he is another name being bandied about in the media. Additionally there is a legacy in his family with his grandfather Patrick Troughton starring as the Second Doctor. A male companion would break the mould too. However I’m not sure how a male-dominated Doctor Who would be perceived by the wider audience. 7)	Michelle Gomez- a series or two of the Master and the Doctor “texting” would most certainly be interesting. Although it’s not going to happen, with Gomez taken up with a new role in US series Gotham, I’m sure she will return one day, delivering another master class in being complete and utter psychopath.   There are a number of other fantastic actors/actresses are out there and whoever is (or are) the next companion(s), I’m sure they will deliver the goods as the ever-changing Doctor Who changes once again.

Sisters? Quintuplets? Clones? Nope, they're all Tatiana Maslany.

1.Tatiana Maslany: if you haven’t watched Orphan Black, you are missing out, especially on the powerhouse performance of a critically acclaimed, Canadian actress – or, rather, performances as she plays a number of distinct yet nuanced clones. With an enormous acting range, not only could she outperform the superb Coleman but perhaps even have the prowess to better that of the majestic Peter Capaldi. She can definitely do an English accent too. This would only be a dream casting of course, as she will be starring in season 4 of Orphan Black airing in 2016 and has a growing career in film.

2. Faye Marsay- a favourite for next companion who has already previously featured in Doctor Who with a fantastic performance in the 2014 Christmas special “Last Christmas”. A down-to-earth, lonely shop girl would be a superb contrast to the self-assured Clara. Alas, show-runner Moffatt has ruled out the next companion being a returning character. Still, It’s important not to forget, that, like the Doctor, Moffatt lies.


3. Rose Leslie- an actress who has starred in both Game of Thrones as the wildling Ygritte, but has also been in Downtown Abbey and Utopia amongst other shows. An actress who most definitely delivers a performance that equals Capaldi’s. I can see it now- a feisty, headstrong tribal girl on an alien planet who locks horns with Twelve, much in the vein of Leela. She would be a great casting and is one of the favourites for the new role. However, maybe we need someone a bit more left field.

4. Gemma Chan- Following an amazing performance as the synth Anita/Mia which required great skill in switching from an unemotional robot to mother-type figure. She even got a nomination at NTA’s for Drama Performance. She has also previously featured in Doctor Who as the coincidentally named Mia Bennett in 2009 special “Waters of Mars”. Again, there’s the same problem with actors returning to the show in a different role, Gemma Chan could be one under the radar.

5. Lenora Critchlow- considering half of the production staff of Being Human are involved in production of Doctor Who, why not some of the cast? Critchlow portrayed possibly my favourite character in the whole series, the lovable, compassionate and neurotic ghost Annie. It probably won’t happen, but I wouldn’t complain if she was the next companion.

6. Harry Melling- known as the dastardly Dudley Dursley in the Harry Potter movies, he is another name being bandied about in the media. Additionally there is a legacy in his family with his grandfather Patrick Troughton starring as the Second Doctor. A male companion would break the mould too. However I’m not sure how a male-dominated Doctor Who would be perceived by the wider audience.


7. Michelle Gomez- a series or two of the Master and the Doctor “texting” would most certainly be interesting. Although it’s not going to happen, with Gomez taken up with a new role in US series Gotham, I’m sure she will return one day, delivering another master class in being complete and utter psychopath.

There are a number of other fantastic actors/actresses are out there and whoever is (or are) the next companion(s), I’m sure they will deliver the goods as the ever-changing Doctor Who changes once again.

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