Dream Vacation: Maldives

Lily Holbrook explores her dream vacation to the Maldives.

Lily Holbrook
23rd November 2020
For as long as I can remember, there’s always been one place I’ve described as my dream travel destination. Situated about as far away from anywhere that it could be possible to travel, the Maldives possess an Indian Ocean allure, enough to capture the heart of anyone who loves the sea. With its aquamarine waters and perfect white sands, I’ve always imagined visiting the Maldives like walking through the pages of a glossy travel magazine. 
Image Credit: Mohamed Thasneem on Unsplash

Known for its idyllic honeymoon charm, the beautiful islands have a lot to fall head over heels for, from picturesque poolsides to stunning snorkel spots. Aside from the romance, the possibility of diving in some of the world's clearest waters is an opportunity not to be missed.

Image Credit: Ishan @seefromthesky on Unsplash

Despite being a distant cry from student life, it remains my dream to visit one day. Knowing now the reality of its waste island and the rising sea levels that will one day engulf its precious shores, it’s a place I would love to have the privilege of seeing, before it’s too late.

Featured Image Credit: Dorsa Masghati on Unsplash

AUTHOR: Lily Holbrook
MA Media & Journalism student and science sub-editor for the 20/21 academic year.

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