Extinction Rebellion Newcastle Unis first meet up of the semester

XR Newcastle Unis is having their first meeting of the semester on Wednesday the 16th of February in the Etal room.

Kate Benson
14th February 2022
Credits: XR Newcastle Northumbria Unis via Instagram.
XR Newcastle Universities group will be meeting this Wednesday, 16th Feb, at 6pm in the Etal room of the SU. Both Newcastle and Northumbria students are taking part in the society.

We know the science; there is a climate emergency and action is needed now. Extinction Rebellion is a movement that takes non violent direct action demanding that institutions act on the climate crisis . They have a new strategy for 2022, fighting for the end of fossil fuels, with the next mass mobilisation starting the 9th of April in London. The regional groups take action both nationally and locally to hold the government and institutions accountable.

Sanni, a member of XR Newcastle Unis said "We would love to see people at the meeting this week, there so many roles within Extinction Rebellion and each person has a part to play in taking action. Please come along to find out more and ask any questions you have."

You can follow Extinction Rebellion Newcastle Unis at @XRNewcastleUnis

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