Far from furry friends: Missing your pet at Uni

Pets are a massive part of our lives, and moving away from them can be really hard on a lt of people, here's some tips for when you're missing your furry friend!

Gabbi De Boer
24th May 2021
Pixabay: @Free-Photos
With 59% of households in the UK having pets, many students each year face moving away from their loyal companions. Be this for a few days, weeks, or months, missing them will soon come.

Our furry friends are often a key part of our lives, so much so that missing them can feel like missing any other human being, especially as they may be considered another member of the family. 

So how can we overcome this?

Luckily for us, the modern age has few limits to possibilities of seeing our beloved pets. Video calls to family and asking to see them is a good way to feel closer to them. Be that a dog snuggling at the microphone or a guinea pig munching at a carrot on camera, it helps to see your pet in a way that you would almost naturally at home. Something about watching their cute, clumsy faces on camera as they try to understand where your voice is from is rather entertaining to observe. 

It is no secret that nothing can ever come close to a real, physical connection with your pet

Although a little less dynamic, having a photograph of your pet to look at every now and again may help too. If you’d prefer to keep it digital, making them your phone lock screen or laptop home screen may be a way of seeing them and making you feel closer to them too. 

One option for dog owners is to visit BorrowMyDoggy, where you can take other people's fur babies out for exercise. Although not free (£12.99 annual fee for borrowers), it may be a worthwhile investment for those who want to fill a dog-shaped hole in their life.

However, it is no secret that nothing can ever come close to a real, physical connection with your pet. Holding them in your hand or cuddling them on the sofa is definitely not the same as seeing something on a screen, and when it comes to our companions, distance really does make the heart grow fonder.

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