Festive Overload: Is it too soon to celebrate Christmas?

With the festive season starting earlier each year, is there such a thing as too much Christmas?

Elizabeth Meade
15th November 2021
Every year, Christmas seems to start earlier. In Newcastle, we've seen products showing up in stores in mid-October. While Christmas is my favourite holiday and I anticipate it every year, is this not a bit much?

The extent of Christmas' commercialisation is a topic hotter than chestnuts on an open fire. However, there is the question of whether Christmas should be a huge, nationwide production at all.

Christmas is a Christian holiday, and although other faiths' holidays take place in winter, the only reason 'the holidays' are so big is due to the promotion of Christmas. While some celebrate Christmas secularly, its presence is ultimately due to the cultural impact of Christianity. Due to its religious importance, pushing Christmas on everyone often comes across as insensitive and unwelcoming.

Pushing Christmas on everyone often comes across as insensitive and unwelcoming.

Even as someone who does celebrate, I don't think I should be bombarded by it everywhere from mid-fall onwards. It's just one holiday, and I'd rather give more attention to other traditions year-round than throw everything into Christmas.

For me, Christmas is about singing funny parodies of classic songs. Moving the plastic-faced Santa doll around the house when people least expect it. Eating a whole box of mint chocolates with my relatives to figure out if the green ones really taste better. Wearing the same cozy sweaters again and again. It's one short, specific, magical time of the year.

I prefer to enjoy fall for what it is before savouring the sweet treat that is Christmas.

While I begin anticipating Christmas in November, I don't think it should be advertised at all before mid-December. I prefer to enjoy fall for what it is before savouring the sweet treat that is Christmas. It's an experience, not something to be bought, and I respect those who don't participate.

Feature Image Credit: Pixabay, @Michelle_Raponi

AUTHOR: Elizabeth Meade
(she/her) 4th year Chem student. Former Head of Current Affairs and Former Science Sub-Editor. Avid reader. Chaos theorist. Amateur batrachologist and historian. Rock fan. Likes cybersecurity and cooking. Wrote the first article for Puzzles. Probably the first Courier writer to have work featured in one of Justin Whang's videos.

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