Filming now, what can we expect from the final series of Derry Girls?

It's always sad when a show comes to an end, especially when it's the unique and wildly successful Derry Girls.

Leah Graham
2nd November 2021
Image Credit: IMDb
Following a group of Irish school kids in the midst of The Troubles, Derry Girls (2018-) achieved critical acclaim for its comedic portrayal of teenage life during a time of great political upheaval and danger. After two wildly popular series, the show’s creator Lisa McGee announced that the upcoming series would be the last, but can only six more episodes be enough to satisfy viewers?

As the child of a Northern Irish parent who grew up around the same time the show is set, it is interesting to see how drastically different teenage life can be- and just how similar. Derry Girls relies on demonstrating that despite a backdrop of low-level war, teenagers will always get up to mischief.

The first two seasons took place over a year, so it is expected that the third will follow suit and pick up shortly after the latest episode. Whilst this wouldn’t be unexpected, it does pose some questions. The series two finale depicted President Bill Clinton’s visit to Derry in November 1995, but the Good Friday Agreement wasn’t signed until 1998, meaning that unless there is a time jump, the series will most likely end before that event. Perhaps this is for the best, as the show may depict the gang graduating from school as the finale instead. Whilst both would be an optimistic ending, the focus being on the gang rather than the country as a whole would be endearing, representing the many teenagers who had to navigate their futures during the time.

Image Credit: IMDb

It is a hope that the show will continue to cement the bond between the main characters as it did previously. The two previous finales did a wonderful job of introducing an obstacle for the gang to overcome, leading to Clare coming out to her friends and James’ acceptance as a Derry Girl. Whilst being enjoyable characters, Orla and Michelle can come across as unsympathetic, and the audience may not root for them as much as others. If the writers focus an episode on them as they have the others, or give them some more likeable qualities, it would be harder to choose a favourite character.

Derry Girls demonstrates the unwavering spirit of teenagers to fight for a better and more optimistic future- and for a later curfew.

Whilst the timing depicts the gang growing up, it is a fear that the show will fall short of its promise and by the end, we will not see five near-adults ready to explore their lives beyond school and annoying their parents. The show hinted at a possible romantic spark between James and Erin, and has repeatedly noted Erin's and Clare’s hopes for their future. Whilst their childhood is a period that the show has solidly built on, it would be disappointing if the gang remains stagnated whilst time moves on.

Whatever the ending, one thing will remain the same; there isn’t another show like it. In a time with so much anger and fear, Derry Girls demonstrates the unwavering spirit of teenagers to fight for a better and more optimistic future- and for a later curfew.

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