Now I will preface this article by saying that I’m not a religious or even particularly spiritual person, rather I’m just your average gal who loves to scare herself during spooky season. If you were to ask me whether the ghosts portrayed in film and TV could manifest in the real world, I’d say probably not - even if I still absolutely scare myself to death in the middle of the night after watching a horror film. Yet, there’s something about ghosts that fascinates me and I do believe that there is the possibility of people coming from beyond the grave. Typing it out like that does feel somewhat cheesy and there is definitely enough science to point to the fact that ghosts do not exist, yet if someone tells me they’ve had an experience with a ghost, I’m all ears - all scepticism goes out of the window. Perhaps it’s naïve to think that there are ghosts, something which I should have let go of a few years ago. However, there’s something undeniably spooky about the small, unexplainable things that happen - things getting knocked off shelves or turn on by themselves. I’m definitely not the only one whose mind immediately jumps to the supernatural instead of the scientific, with ‘ghostly’ things that feel so real in the moment regardless of what logic tells me.
If someone tells me they’ve had an experience with a ghost, I’m all ears - all scepticism goes out of the window.
Ghosts are so ingrained into multiple cultures and so many people find comfort in the belief, who wouldn’t want to imagine those they love looking over us in their ghostly form? So maybe we shouldn’t all be so quick to dismiss the idea of ghosts, after all, life would just become that little bit too rational. So as I inevitably question whether the pile of clothes on my chair is indeed a ghost in the dead of night during this spooky season, my question to you is this: do you believe in ghosts?