Gift-giving because you must: a guide to generic Christmas shopping

In a panic trying to get a gift for that co-worker you've shared two sentences with? No fear, we have you covered.

Dan Finch
12th December 2022
Image credit: Pixabay
There comes a point in the month when the dreaded act of Christmas shopping can no longer be avoided. For me, the process goes the same every year. By mid-December, I have ticked off all the utmost important recipients. The challenge then dawns upon me when I'm left to tackle the less prioritised few. 

It's not that I mind buying gifts for those I'm less familiar with. The problem is that I’ll always know which kitchenware accessory my mum has been eyeing up for months; the perfume that my sister unfailingly requests each year is common knowledge at this point. Unfortunately, it's not so easy working out the contents of Claire-from-work’s wish list when an obligatory Secret Santa is organised at your part-time job. 

Unfortunately, it's not so easy... when an obligatory Secret Santa is organised at your part-time job. 

Thankfully, I've found that certain generic items never go amiss. We’ll start with things to avoid. It is always vital to consider the practicality of the gift. Novelty ones can be fun, but it's only so long until a ‘Grow your own boyfriend’ ends up in the bin. The same goes for Christmas ornaments, a concept I’ve never understood. Nobody wants a bauble given to them a week before the tree returns to the attic. And lastly, it goes without saying: avoid fluffy socks at all costs.

They may be basic, but candles are always a good shout. Not only do they capture the cosiness of the festive season, but they are long-lasting. Perhaps, you struggle choosing the right scent. In that case, an even cuter gift can be found in the form of a Jellycat. These adorable soft toys are the latest rage, which comes as no surprise as they are so huggable. However, you may run into trouble finding one that the recipient doesn’t already own. Trust me, I have seen some absurd collections. 

A trusty D.I.Y approach will also serve you well. Back in school, I found that baking and dishing out cookies to a large group of friends was the perfect method for covering the masses without breaking the budget. Besides, everybody appreciates a homemade treat.

the perfect method for covering the masses without breaking the budget

Finally, I will leave you with some fundamental words of advice in case you truly do become too stuck: I have personally never known anyone to be dissatisfied receiving a Terry’s chocolate orange. You can relax.

AUTHOR: Dan Finch
journalism and media student!

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