I am sure many students planning to graduate this summer are experiencing the same stresses as I am. Such as ‘what am I going to do with my life?’, or ‘at what point should I have a job lined up for after graduation?’, or ‘am I going to have to move back home?’. For many, I am sure the latter of those thoughts is probably the most topical one. For the past several months I have battled with an internal debate as to whether I want to move home. There are many benefits, yet for me so many drawbacks. I have become accustomed to living with friends and having my own space to live my life how I want to. As much as I love my home, I think I would struggle adjusting back into my parents’ routine.
"Whenever any major life event comes to an end, it is such a joy to journey back through the memories and remind yourself how far you have come."
Instead of focusing on post-graduation, I am deciding to enjoy the time that I have left at Newcastle and not waste it being stressed about things that haven’t even happened yet, and focus on the incredible three years that I have had at university. Whenever any major life event comes to an end, it is such a joy to journey back through the memories and remind yourself how far you have come. For me, some of the milestones from the past three years include moving away from home in first year, meeting so many people who will hopefully be in my life for a very long time, writing my first article in The Courier, travelling over the UK to visit friends at different universities, starting a society, travelling with friends, and so many more.
On graduation day, I’m sure I will be filled with so many emotions I will probably feel unwell, but until July 18, I am going to treasure every moment I have left at Newcastle University.