Green Lantern series coming to HBO Max

Leo Dawson's excited for Green Lantern

Leo Dawson
27th October 2020
First announced back in 2019 and touted as the “biggest DC Comics show ever made”, Greg Berlanti’s adaptation of the intergalactic superhero title will soon begin production for Warner Bros’ streaming service HBO Max.

Producer Greg Berlanti (The Flash, Arrow) recently announced that the Green Lantern Corps series now has writers and a showrunner, both with their own history at DC. Seth Grahame-Smith, writer of The Lego Batman Movie (2017), and Arrow co-creator Marc Guggenheim will write for the show, set for a ten-episode series from Berlanti Productions, on the WB streaming platform.

Grahame-Smith was one in a long line of previous writers and directors attached to Ezra Miller’s upcoming The Flash movie, before leaving the project due to ‘creative differences.’ The film is now set for 2022 from Andy Muschietti, director of the IT franchise.

The show is set to be packed with many fan favourite characters from the comics.

Ryan Reynolds in Green Lantern (2011), Credit: IMDb

Green Lantern Corps will follow several DC comic-book heroes that possess the Green Lantern power ring. Jessica Cruz, Simon Baz, Guy Gardner and Alan Scott will feature, all fan favourites from the comic of the same name. Cruz and Baz are two of the most popular characters of colour in recent DC history and Alan Scott was recently retconned to be a gay character in 2012, so the show is set to be very representative across the board. No actors are currently attached. Sinestro and Kilowog will also be included, last seen in Green Lantern (2011) – this series will thankfully not be a continuation of the Ryan Reynolds movie.

Characters like Hal Jordan and John Stewart are noticeably absent, perhaps a sign of bigger plans for them...

The line-up of heroes announced for the show is an interesting one. Notably absent are fellow DC heroes Hal Jordan and Jon Stewart, arguably the two most popular characters to share the mantle of Green Lantern. It can be assumed that Jordan and Stewart are being saved for a big screen debut in a new DC Extended Universe (DCEU) movie.

James Gunn's The Suicide Squad spin off is set to come to HBO Max

This Green Lantern series is the third DCEU streaming show to be announced for HBO Max, along with a prequel police drama set in the world of The Batman (2022) and a prequel series following John Cena’s Peacemaker from the upcoming James Gunn movie The Suicide Squad (2021). It’s a major reflection of WB’s plan to streamline their approach to the DC Universe, after a shaky start to the franchise with several highly criticised films.

The Green Lantern Corps release date is yet to be announced.

Featured Image Credit: DC Comics

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